


When payment is authorized or received, both the customer and Red Fun Ltd. receive an e-mail stating that payment has been processed successfully. We then proceed with expediting your order.

In the event that goods are not in stock, you will be notified by e-mail with an expected delivery time, giving you the chance to cancel or change your order, to wait for missing goods to be replenished, or to have the shipment made in two parts (second shipment at our expense).


We ship with UPS. Fast and reliable.

Once shipped, you receive an e-mail with the Track- and trace-details, so you can follow your parcel all the way to your doorstep. The e-mail will be sent to the address supplied at the time your order was placed.


Goods are shipped using one of UPS' two services.


Standard / Expedited: their standard method which is quite fast. Standard service is used within Europe, and expedited service for overseas. Standard delivery times:

UPS-delivery days standard

Expedited overseas 7 days.


Express (Saver): this service is even faster and more reliable but quite costly. Delivery times for Europe 1 to 4 days / overseas 2 to 5 days. For more info about transit times: contact our staff or see www.ups.com.


Red Fun Ltd. is not responsible for delayed orders due to problems with UPS. However, we will endeavor to do our best to solve problems should they occur. If you have not received the goods within the expected time frame, please contact us so we can investigate.


We do NOT ship goods to PO boxes or Poste Restante-addresses ('Packstationen').



UPS STANDARD SERVICE                
    Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 6 Zone 7          
    Belgien Dänemark Bulgarien Andorra Norwegen          
    Deutschland England Estland Kanalinseln (Guernsey)            
    Frankreich Schottland Finnland Kanalinseln (Jersey)            
    Holland  Wales Griechenland Liechtenstein            
    Italien   Nordirland San Marino            
    Luxemburg   Irland Schweiz            
    Monaco   Kroatien              
    Niederlande   Lettland              
    Polen   Litauen              
    Slowakische Republik   Nordirland              
    Tschechische Republik   Portugal              
    Ungarn   Rumänien              
  each order 8,90 8,90 14,90 19,90 39,90          
• VAT is not included in the tariff.          
• For shipments to certain zip codes in remote areas eg. some islands, a surcharge may be charged.          
weight Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Zone 9 Zone 10 Zone 11
    Belgien Dänemark Azoren Liechtenstein Albanien Kanada Anguilla China Afghanistan Algerien
    Deutschland England Bulgarien Norwegen Andorra Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Antigua und Barbuda Hongkong Ägypten Angola
    Holland Frankreich Estland Schweiz Belarus (Weissrussland)   Armenien Indien Argentinien Äquatorialguinea
    Italien Schottland Finnland   Bosnien-Herzegowina   Aruba Japan Australien Äthiopien
    Kroatien Wales Griechenland   Ceuta   Aserbaidschan Singapur Bahrain Bangladesch
    Luxemburg Monaco Nordirland   Färöer-Inseln   Bahamas Taiwan Belize Benin
    Niederlande Schweden Irland   Gibraltar   Barbados Thailand Bolivien Bhutan
    Slowakische Republik   Lettland   Grönland   Barbuda (Antigua und Barbuda)   Brasilien Botswana
    Slowenien   Litauen   Island   Bermuda   Chile Brunei
    Tschechische Republik   Madeira   Kanalinseln (Guernsey)   Bonaire   Costa Rica Burkina Faso
    Ungarn   Malta   Kanalinseln (Jersey)   Curaçao   Ecuador Burundi
        Nordirland   Kanarische Inseln   Dominica   El Salvador Cookinseln
        Polen   Kosovo   Dominikanische Republik   Gaza/Westjordanland Côte d’Ivoire (Elfenbeinküste)
        Portugal   Mazedonien (FYROM)   Georgien   Guatemala Dschibuti
        Rumänien   Melilla   Grenada   Honduras Elfenbeinküste (Côte d’Ivoire)
        Spanien   Moldova   Guadeloupe   Indonesien Eritrea
        Zypern   Montenegro   Haiti   Israel Fidschi
            Russland   Jamaika   Katar Französisch-Guayana
            San Marino   Jungferninseln, amerikanische   Kolumbien Französisch-Polynesien
            Serbien   Jungferninseln, britische   Korea, Republik (Südkorea) Gabun
            Türkei   Kaimaninseln (Cayman Islands)   Macau Gambia
            Ukraine   Kasachstan   Malaysia Ghana
                Kirgistan   Mongolei Guam
                Martinique   Neuseeland Guinea
                Mexiko   Nigeria Guinea-Bissau
                Montserrat   Oman Guyana
                Nevis (St. Kitts-Nevis)   Pakistan Irak
                Puerto Rico   Panama Jemen
                Russland   Paraguay Jordanien
                Saba   Peru Kambodscha
                St. Barthélemy   Philippinen Kamerun
                St. Christopher (St. Kitts-Nevis)   Südafrika Kap Verde
                St. Croix (amerik. Jungferninseln)   Uruguay Kenia
                St. Eustatius   Venezuela Kiribati
                St. John (amerik. Jungferninseln)   Vereinigte Arabische Emirate Komoren
                St. Kitts (St. Kitts-Nevis)   Westjordanland (Gaza) Kongo (Brazzaville)
                St. Lucia     Kongo, Demokratische Republik
                St. Maarten     Kosrae (Mikronesien, Konföd.)
                St. Martin (Guadeloupe)     Kuwait
                St. Thomas (amerik. Jungferninseln)     Laos
                St. Vincent und Grenadinen     Lesotho
                Tadschikistan     Libanon
                Tortola (britische Jungferninseln)     Liberia
                Trinidad und Tobago     Libyen
                Turkmenistan     Madagaskar
                Turks- und Caicosinseln     Malawi
                Union-Insel  (St. Vincent und Grenadinen)     Malediven
                Usbekistan     Mali
                Virgin-Gorda (brit. Jungferninseln)     Marianen, nördliche
                      Mikronesien (Konföderation)
                      Ost Timor
                      Ponape (Mikronesien, Konföd.)
                      Rota (nördliche Marianen)
                      Saipan (nördliche Marianen)
                      Samoa-Inseln, amerikanische
                      Sierra Leone
                      Sri Lanka
                      Tinian (nördliche Marianen)
                      Truk (Mikronesien, Konföd.)
                      Wallis und Futuna-Inseln
                      Yap (Mikronesien, Konföd.)
                      Zentralafrikanische Republik
0,5 kg 15,28 16,06 16,23 22,01 22,25 23,16 23,90 23,90 25,69 27,76
1,0 kg 17,40 18,04 18,18 24,27 24,79 25,51 29,18 29,33 31,52 33,65
1,5 kg 19,53 19,99 20,17 26,28 26,82 27,39 34,42 34,76 37,36 39,56
2,0 kg 21,68 21,98 22,12 28,27 28,86 29,33 39,70 40,23 43,22 45,44
2,5 kg 23,81 23,93 24,10 30,28 30,89 31,58 44,99 45,65 49,04 51,33
3,0 kg 25,45 26,00 26,02 32,12 32,83 34,23 50,50 52,21 54,92 57,16
3,5 kg 27,09 27,98 28,53 33,99 34,59 36,68 55,43 57,77 60,39 63,05
4,0 kg 28,74 29,95 30,51 35,86 36,34 39,11 60,35 63,33 65,87 68,93
4,5 kg 30,36 31,93 32,49 37,72 38,12 41,56 65,29 68,90 71,35 74,81
5,0 kg 32,02 33,85 34,45 39,58 39,89 43,99 70,21 74,45 76,83 80,69
5,5 kg 33,41 35,34 36,17 40,97 41,66 46,59 73,75 77,52 79,68 83,63
6,0 kg 34,68 36,82 37,65 42,36 43,42 49,18 77,27 80,67 82,52 86,58
6,5 kg 35,97 38,33 39,13 43,78 45,17 51,79 80,79 83,87 85,40 89,50
7,0 kg 37,24 39,78 40,60 45,15 46,62 54,40 84,31 87,04 88,22 92,45
7,5 kg 38,52 41,25 42,07 46,56 48,05 56,96 87,83 90,25 91,07 95,37
8,0 kg 39,81 42,72 43,54 47,94 49,48 59,58 91,35 93,44 93,92 98,31
8,5 kg 41,08 44,20 45,03 49,34 50,90 62,15 94,89 96,62 96,82 101,24
9,0 kg 42,35 45,68 46,50 50,73 52,35 64,76 98,40 99,79 100,00 104,17
9,5 kg 43,63 47,16 47,98 52,12 53,74 67,35 101,91 102,99 103,21 107,11
10 kg 44,90 48,62 49,44 53,51 55,18 69,95 105,11 106,18 106,40 110,05
11 kg 45,81 49,60 50,53 54,59 56,35 74,04 107,37 109,73 109,80 113,64
12 kg 46,72 50,56 50,63 55,69 57,77 76,15 109,23 112,05 112,14 117,21
13 kg 47,62 51,53 51,71 56,76 59,19 78,28 111,12 114,38 115,02 120,81
14 kg 48,56 52,47 52,78 57,85 60,61 80,36 113,04 116,71 117,90 124,40
15 kg 49,46 53,45 53,86 58,92 62,04 82,49 114,94 119,05 120,77 127,97
16 kg 50,40 54,43 54,94 60,01 63,22 84,61 116,81 121,40 123,67 131,58
17 kg 51,29 55,38 56,03 61,11 64,42 86,72 118,68 123,73 126,51 135,14
18 kg 52,21 56,37 57,10 62,17 65,59 89,11 120,60 126,05 129,39 138,73
19 kg 53,13 57,33 58,19 63,26 66,78 91,48 122,48 128,39 132,27 142,31
20 kg 54,03 58,30 59,27 64,34 67,99 93,86 124,36 130,73 135,14 145,90
22 kg 55,97 60,27 61,20 66,67 69,82 99,25 130,12 136,18 140,38 151,49
24 kg 57,93 62,25 63,11 69,01 71,65 104,62 135,85 141,64 145,56 157,13
26 kg 59,89 64,24 65,07 71,34 73,48 109,99 141,60 147,11 150,77 162,71
28 kg 61,84 66,20 66,99 73,70 75,32 115,35 147,35 152,56 156,00 168,31
30 kg 63,81 68,21 68,90 76,03 77,16 120,72 153,07 158,04 161,21 173,89
35 kg 67,66 73,55 74,45 81,96 84,73 132,61 165,28 171,42 173,37 188,58
40 kg 71,55 78,90 79,99 87,92 90,40 144,51 178,24 184,90 186,83 203,27
45 kg 75,39 84,28 85,52 93,86 96,06 156,41 191,23 198,39 200,28 217,96
50 kg 79,74 90,03 91,07 99,78 101,75 168,29 204,20 211,86 213,73 232,64
55 kg 84,08 95,78 96,62 105,76 107,41 180,17 217,19 225,34 227,19 247,35
60 kg 88,48 101,54 102,15 111,69 113,08 192,07 230,15 238,84 240,65 262,03
65 kg 92,83 107,31 107,71 117,64 118,74 203,95 243,13 252,31 254,12 276,73
70 kg 97,16 113,07 113,24 123,57 124,42 215,84 256,11 265,80 267,56 291,41
In a fraction of a weight step of the next higher tariff is applied
• VAT is not included in the tariff.
• For shipments to certain zip codes in remote areas eg. some islands, a surcharge may be charged.